Super Wings
Super Wings is an animated television series created by Gil Hoon Jung and produced by the company made by himself, Funny Flux Entertainment, in South Korea, in association with Alpha Group Co., Ltd. from China with production support from the Educational Broadcasting System in South Korea and additional support from KOCCA.
Fun-loving jet plane Jett delivers packages to children around the world in this animated series. Jett teams up with the Super Wings, a group of airplanes that can transform into robots, to tackle new challenges and work through issues that teach problem-solving skills and the importance of cultural diversity. The Super Wings crew includes mission director Jimbo, rescue copter Dizy, gadget guru Donnie and expert navigator Jerome -- an important part of the group because the planes travel to 52 cities in 45 countries on their adventures, requiring someone who is able to help navigate.
First episode date
Program creator
Remi, Jett, Paul, Sky, Chase, Roy, Jimbo, Astra
Tiny Pop, EBS 1TV
December 3, 2013
Jung Gil-hoon
English, Korean
International Emmy Kids Award for Preschool
Animation, Education, Children's television series, Adventure, Pre-school